The team of Hue University of Sciences was awarded the second prize at Stem Cell Innovation

On November 3rd, 12 teams from many universities and senior high schools nationwide participated in the final round of the Competition of Stem Cell Innovation – VI 2019 at the University of Science, Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City. The team of Hue University of Sciences including Nguyen Huu Dat, Ho Thi Len and Le Dac Hai (DLH team) achieved the second prize.

12 teams presented their ideas of stem cell in the theme “Stem cell drugs” in the final round.

With the presentation on “Drug for heart failure from exosomes of peripheral blood cells derived human induced pluripotent stem cells", Nguyen Huu Dat said that they wanted to produce the drug for heart failure from exosome of peripheral stem cells originated from peripheral blood. With the intention that this drug would eliminate the limitations of stem cell transplant in heart failure treatment, and use induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) as a promising source of stem cells. Moreover, based on the previous researches on some components in exosome with positive impacts on heart failure, they expected that the next experiments would be successful and would become drug for heart failure recovery.

Interestingly, the DLD team of Hue University of Sciences was one of 6 universities presented the poster’s contents and answered all the questions from the Board of examiners in English. The Board of examiners appreciated their interest in scientific research and their foreign language ability, the team of Hue University of Sciences was as the result awarded the second prize.

User: TH