Final seminar of DVINE project (2019-2022) sponsored by Erasmus+

In the framework of the project “Holistic tools for competence-based curricula to promote Dignity in Vietnam and Nepal”, the final seminar with the theme “DVINE – A journey of Engagement and Prospects for Future Collaboration” was organized on 8 and 9 December 2022.


On 8 December 2022, the seminar was held at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy. The reports which were presented by project members and guest speakers from South Korea and Japan focused on interdisciplinary approaches and participatory research methods/tools to promote human dignity.

On 9 December 2022, the final seminar was proceeded at Hue University of Sciences, project members from Finland, Norway, Turkey, Nepal and Vietnam shared their experiences and achievements gained from DVINE project and exchanged possibilities of cooperation on exchange of lecturers/students, application of active teaching methods, research methods...

DVINE project was funded by ERASMUS+ of European Union under the main coordination of Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Finland. The beneficiaries included (1) VID University, Norway; (2) Gazi University, Turkey; (3) Diak University, Finland; (4) St. Xavier University and (5) Lapipur School of Nursing, Nepal; (6) University of Sciences and (7) University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Hue University, Vietnam with the purpose of enhancing the capacity of lecturers and students on multidisciplinary/comprehensive approach and cooperation and developing competence-based curricula.

DVINE project has achieved positive results in enhancing lecturers and students’ capacity, supporting lecturers to develop pilot courses of high quality and applicability. In addition, the project has supported equipment for teaching and learning activities. Particularly, University of Sciences has published learning materials (books, sign language manuals, etc.) thanks to the support of experts and lecturers from domestic and international partnerships in the framework of the project.

Based on the achieved results, University of Sciences will promote and extend pilot courses for the training program as well as effectively use learning aids/materials to enhance the capacity for teachers and students.


User: Office for Science - Technology & International Relations